Friday 14 September 2018


Today I commented on my friend's blog. I need to make sure that I'm giving them good feedback and saying what it was that I liked about their blog - korero whakamihi ki te tangata. Also, he kupu hei whakawhanui i te kaupapa, which means to suggest an improvement for their mahi.

Tuesday 11 September 2018

How bees make honey

WALT: Find out how bees make honey.

This is my reading response of how bees make honey.  We had to highlight all the words that were nouns, verbs and adjectives.  It was easy to find the nouns.  Some of the descriptive verbs were hard to get, but I think I have done a good job. 

Wednesday 5 September 2018

12 wakahoe

WALT:learn all our wakahoe

My Blog Post Analysis

WALT: Analyse our blog posts.
Success Criteria:  I will
  • Create a graph to display my results.

This is my chart that I made using google sheets. It tells me that I have been posting more blog posts this year than last year. Already I can see that I have posted 11 blogs in August which is great to see I think.

Tuesday 4 September 2018


WALT: Make a positive comment on a peers blog.

Today I commented on Rangi's blog.  Firstly, I have realised that I need to get my work buddy checked before I post as it doesn't make sense.  I have not started the sentence with a capital letter and all my little 'i' need to be made into a capital 'I'.  Secondly, I forgot to say what it was that I liked about her mahi.  I need to elaborate more.  Also, I needed to suggest a way that she could improve her learning.  I could have asked her a question.  I will remember next time.


WALT:Keep a written journal of our thoughts and feelings.

Reading Response

Friday 24 August 2018

Thursday 23 August 2018


WALT: Identify what makes an electrical circuit.
Success Criteria:  I will
Explain my thinking.
Create a diagram to support my thinking.

When making an electrical circuit you need a battery, copper wire, a light bulb and a switch to turn it on and off.  If the circuit is closed, the light bulb will glow.  If the circuit is open, the light bulb will turn off.  This is because the energy given by the battery is prevented from making a complete circuit, so the electrons will have no where to go.
Below is a picture of my circuit.

Blog Comment of the Week

Monday 20 August 2018

My Hook

WALT: Write an amazing hook that will capture my audiences interest.
SC: I will have

  • An interesting hook - ask a question, figurative langauge.
  • 3-4 sentences or a paragraph.
  • Vivid verbs.
I rolled out of bed, eager to start my day.  I put my clothes on. I brushed my teeth. I had a wash and breakfast.  I was excited! I raced to the lounge, because I could hear people talking.  Who was that? Great Grandma!

Friday 17 August 2018

wheel words

WALT: Learning to spell the correct words to win the game the ones that are white are the ones that I got done.  
Today I played a spelling game. 
Free Trail
Time Trail

Friday 27 July 2018

My Holidays

WALT: Write a recount of one specific moment during my school holidays.

  • A title
  • A orientation - Who, what, when, where, how, why
  • Fantastic language - time words, past tense, vivid verbs/vocabulary
  • Proofread/buddy checked my draft - punctuation, spelling and grammar.
  • A conclusion to wrap everything up.
  • A plan of the key points I will talk about.

My Plan: (10 mins)
In my holidays
Last Friday we had a disco at my house their were games lost of my friends came and cousins came to the disco we had a disco light and we had the tool lunch to four o clock, p:m the people Loucie,Shony,Leah,Me,my nan,Sister Tracey,Arkillies,Aalayis and Alezmah,Roxie    and next friday we whent to the beach and my cosins came Loucie,Shony,Leah,Me,my nan,Sister Tracey,Arkillies,Aalayis and Alezmah.

Start here:
My Holidays

Last Friday we had a disco at my house their were games lost of my friends came and cousins came to the disco we had a disco light and we had the tool lunch to 4:00, p:m the people Loucie, Shony, Leah, Me, my nan, Sister Tracey, Arkillies, Aalayis and Alezmah, Roxie and next Friday we went to the beach and my counis came Loucie, Shony, Leah ,Me, ( gran mama Leeane , Sister Tracey,  Arkillies, Aalayis and Alezmah we all went to Ngawha Springs we went in baby and my cosin was telling a dum story about a mans leg in the pool I didn’t believe him, because he’s a liar. After a few hours we got out then we went home and had a good sleep and got ready for school. THE END   

Wednesday 27 June 2018

man ran away

WALT:make short movements for each shot.

what i learnt was that never put your hand when you take a shot
whet worked that it was  easy to make it look real.
i found out it wast difficult because my hands keep getting in my way.

Friday 15 June 2018

My Speech Critique

Today my class had to present their speeches.  I talked about how bulling should be banned.
I made sure that I did't make mistakes, but I was so busy focusing on reading my words that I forgot to look at my class and make eye contact.

The challenging part was when I had to speak in front of my class. I get so nervous because I feel embarrassed.  Anyway, even more embarrassing is having to post my speech video to my blog for you all to watch.

So, here it is.

Wednesday 13 June 2018


Hour of Code or Learning to Code OR your own idea

We have been learning to code.
I enjoyed …coding..
It was challenging when …i got suck..
I helped others by …minecraft…….
I needed help with ……wai……..
It took me ………for ever …………….. to finish the 12 stages.  When I finished the 12 stages I got a certificate.  I took screenshots as I worked my way through the stages.  When you look at the screenshots you can see how I used blocks to create the code which made ………………………………….

Remember when you copy and paste your writing to go on the blog.  As you paste on blog, you need to hold SHIFT down before you Ctrl V.  Otherwise your writing will go over the side of your blog.

Wednesday 28 March 2018

te reo

we were learning Te reo Maori i was have to do 10 but i done 6 because i did not have much time to finish because we had to go home and wait for the bus to come so we can go home


At ki-o-rahi we versed other school's and i was in toutoro 2 and i was the only girl in the van and after ki-o-rahi we had a white choc top from mac donles it was yum  this my writing of ki-o-rahi


My 3 Top Tips for using a Chromebook

Today I've been learning new stuff  like this

Te Pūāwaitanga O Te Reo - Wiki Tuatoru