Book Title: Arnie the doughnut
Pages Read:none
What did you read about today? (summary)
A doughnut called ab then he turned into a doughnut dog everyone loved him
Book Title: Romeow & Drooliate
Pages Read none
What did you read about today? (summary)
A cat called Romeow lied with his brothers Marky and benny and he meet a dog and they got married.
Book Title: Enemy pie
Pages Read none
What did you read about today? (summary)
A boy had an enemy and his name was Jeremy Ross and he told his dad that he had a enemy and his dad was making a enemy pie and he was wondering what it would look like and he wanted his enemy to come over and eat it now but his dad said the enemy pie wont work so his dad said you have to play with your enemy and the most worst be nice to him so he was scared he rode his bike to jeremy’s house then he knocked on the door and he opened it and he said to jeremy do you want to come and play so they played.
Book Title: Billie B Brown
The pocket money blues
Pages Read: 23 -- chapter 3
What did you read about today? (summary)
This girl name billie b brown is dessbret to buy a little bunny toy but first she has to save up her money by doing extra jobs.
Luckily her best friend Jack's helping her.
Book Title: I need my monster
Pages Read
What did you read about today? (summary)
A boy knooked on the floor and quikly ran into his bed and hid under the blanket and there were lots of monsters appring at one time and then the last monster was his monster gabe.
Book Title: mouselets in danger
Pages Read 15
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The thea sisters meat this fella name
Pages Read 47 6 chapters
What did you read about today? (summary)
The thea sisters (Colette,vilot,paulina,nicky and pamela) are learning what are posin mashrums and edible and only 12 mouselets were alowed to compet in a outside compation for savivle skills and it’s taught by the athletec, adventurous Bruce Hyena All five thea sisters sign up along with rubys crew, ruby is a mean mouselit.
Book Title: mouselets in danger
Pages Read 112 all chapters
What did you read about today? (summary)
For the first time ever, Mouseford Academy is offering a
couse in outdoor survial skills, and it’s being taught by
Bruce Hyena!
Book Title:lego space justice
Pages Read 30
What did you read about today? (summary)
When super- villains from outer space threaten to steal earths toys, it is up to the super hero’s to save the day! But can they deffet the evil alians without a good plan?
Or will they be defeated before bedtime?
Book Title: Rapunzel
Pages Read
What did you read about today? (summary)
A girl named Rapunzel lived in a tree all by herself but if Rapunzel was hungry she had to make a black dress out of black material then a prince found her and then they got married.