Tuesday, 18 June 2019

could a volcano pop up in your backyard?

My positive footprint

private vs public Infomation

we are learning to keep private information to our self and we are learning to share public information to the world.

private vs public information

We are learning to create a positive digital footprint.

My class, including me, we have been learning about about being positive online and leaving a positive digital footprint. Also we have been learning about private and public information if you leave a negative footprint you should go back and fix it up if you don’t go back and fix it up then people will say negative stuff about you then you will feel upset but it was your fault, you were the first person to bring up something negative, that's why you always leave a positive comment/footprint to be safe never take photos of yourself and share it to someone that you don’t know because they will share it on and on until the whole world sees it.

Tree hut treaty

  The Tree Hut Treaty
                                              By Ellawisha
The Important Part
Is when they make the treaty hut rules a they all get along and agree and all work with everyone  then Tia and Mania saw a big truck pull up then a girl  jump onto to the fence.
1.then  they all became friends and they also live next door to each other
2.they planed to make a tree hut
3.then jack invited other people without asking  
Then Tia came up with a idea
Treaty Hut Rules
This is the 3 treaty rules
1.we all have to come to agreement about what happens with the tree hut.
2.we all have to look after the tree hut.
3.if there are any fights about the hut then the tree hut team will decide what to do so that it’s fair for everyone.

number of the week


Apostle John


Te Pūāwaitanga O Te Reo - Wiki Tuatoru